Top Hacks for Growing Excellent-Tasting Weed

Top Hacks for Growing Excellent-Tasting Weed

Growing| Views: 2048

Growing qualitative weed is not that hard. It requires time, patience and practice, as well as a decent understanding of the process of photosynthesis. Concurrently, there are some things you can do in order to make your weed be more flavorful and aromatic. Read on to discover them!

  • Acquire high-quality seeds

It all starts with the seeds you purchase, as you might expect. Whether you are a skilled or inexperienced cannabis cultivator, there’s no way you can produce excellent marijuana from inferior strains.

Acquire high-quality seeds

Even if you do your best at providing your cannabis plants with everything they need, the genetic potential of the plant is of utmost importance.

As a result, we advise you to get your cannabis seeds or clones from reputable, reliable sources only. At the same time, if you realize that the cannabis you’ve been growing doesn’t reach the highest quality standards, don’t hesitate to replace the strains. Read also What Factors Affect the Weed’s Growing, Harvest, and Availability?

  • Get organic soil

many growers believe that outdoor soil is best for harvesting cannabis

Although many growers believe that outdoor soil is best for harvesting cannabis, home growers don’t have access to that. Evidently, the plants’ soil provides it with the necessary nutrients it needs in order to flourish, and using human-made solutions in order to compensate for those needs isn’t the same. Choose the best weed soil for your needs!

Therefore, we recommend you to plant your weed seeds in organic soil, as this will boost your harvest. Organic soil is a diverse, excellent source of food, supplying the fuel that your cannabis needs to produce quality medical marijuana.

  • Control the cultivating environment

Furthermore, you should make sure to maintain the temperature and humidity levels within the recommendable parameters, round the clock. As a general rule, the temperature shouldn’t be higher than 85 degrees or drop below 60. As for the humidity level, it should be somewhere around 40-5o percent. Nonetheless, this could vary by the plants’ growth stage, as during the vegetating stage, cannabis plants can handle a humidity level of 60 percent.

Control the cultivating environment

Bear in mind that, at canopy levels, the heat and moisture parameters will be different from the ones in the cultivating room. So, you should monitor these aspects at the leaf surface, as well, in order to increase the productivity of your plants. Important marijuana growing tools include heaters, air conditioning, humidifiers or de-humidifiers. Read also Growing Weed Indoors vs. Growing Weed Outdoors.

  • Feed lightly

Overfeeding cannabis plants is a mistake that many weed cultivators unknowingly make. That’s primarily because nutrient companies advise cultivators to utilize large levels of plant food so that they would buy more and more.

Nevertheless, you shouldn’t overreact, as there is such a thing as overfeeding your cannabis plant. Plus, once you overfed your weed, there’s no way you can take it back. As a rule, the less you feed your cannabis plants during the growing cycle, the less you’ll require flushing at the end, and the better the buds will taste and smell.

Now that you know all these tips, you can apply them so that you can enjoy tasteful marijuana. Your hard work and determination will pay off when you harvest your first weed crop!

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