No Need For Weed – Book and CD

No Need for Weed – Understanding & Breaking Cannabis Dependency book and Audio CD by James Langton and Angela Jullings from ClearHead.

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No Need for Weed is designed to let you consider your relationship with cannabis openly and honestly. It would be unrealistic to think that, as tens of millions of people use it everyday, nobody has problems with dependency. For the first time there is a book that offers a real understanding of how cannabis impacts on all areas of our life – from sleep, work, and relaxation as well as upon our senses, our emotions, energy and creativity and crucially our relationship with ourselves and others. One reason cannabis is such a popular drug is that it is incredibly versatile. Some users say they smoke to relax others that it simply makes life less boring or helps them sleep. Many more argue passionately for its medicinal value. Another reason for cannabis’s popularity is its psychologically addictive nature. This is despite the fact that many users beleive it to be non-habit forming, something they insist upon until they themselves attempt to quit, or even try to take a break for awhile. Drawing upon his own experiences and those of others he has worked with through Clearhead workshops and support website, James Langton offers a step-by-step guide to letting go of cannabis dependency. This book lets you confront where you are, guides you through the adjustment period and into successful recovery. It helps you make the most of this positive life change and moves you forward to a place where you can see there is No Need for Weed.


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