Medical Marijuana Treat Multiple Sclerosis

Can Medical Marijuana Treat Multiple Sclerosis?

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Multiple sclerosis affects many persons across the globe, and it is considered one of the most widespread neurological conditions affecting young adults. But, to the point, can medical marijuana help your multiple sclerosis? It can! While no conclusive treatment exists, there are ways one can minimize the symptoms of the condition, and one such way is smoking medical marijuana. You can learn about the special kinds of Multiple Sclerosis cannabis that help fight this disease.

This demyelinating disease progressively damages the covers that insulate the nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. This leads to the disrupted communication within the nervous system. The resulting effects vary from physical problems like muscle weakness, to mental and psychiatric issues such as blindness, lack of coordination, and troubles with perception.

It typically affects those between ages 20 and 40 and, so far, the root cause or rate of progress remains difficult to determine.

can medical marijuana help your multiple sclerosis

Many cases end up undocumented, so there are not many solid numbers to give a precise figure. Despite this, there’s an estimate of approximately 2.5 million cases in the world. Just in the US, 200 new cases of MS are diagnosed per week.

Mind that I’m explicitly referring to medical weed, not it’s funny cousin, recreational weed. In our shop there are many kind of it!

There are two key differences between medical weed and the recreational type. The first and most important difference: medical weed has less THC.

“Medical weed” refers to a specific strain of cannabis that is bred to contain the lowest amount of THC possible. Without it, you can’t possibly get high from smoking weed.

The second difference: medical weed has more CBD. This is cannabidiol, another chemical compound of cannabis, but without the psychoactive mumbo-jumbo of THC.

Medical weed is often bred to have a considerable amount of CBD. By nature, CBD isn’t only incapable of getting you high, but it also suppresses THC’s psychoactive properties.

Medical weed is often bred to have a considerable amount of CBD

So, how can medical marijuana help you with multiple sclerosis?

  • Eases the Pain

A 2012 study, published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, proved that sclerosis patients with painful muscle contractions experienced improvement in their conditions after smoking marijuana, while they didn’t respond to previous treatments.

The research, conducted in a placebo-controlled crossover trial, proved that cannabis outperformed placebo in symptom and pain reduction in participants with spasticity, even in the ones resistant to treatment.

  • Helps You Sleep

Those affected by multiple sclerosis often experience sleeping problems, mainly because of nerve pain.

The relaxing, pain-relieving sensation of marijuana helps you sleep better, which lets you feel rejuvenated the next day.

  • Lowers inflammation

Most MS patients suffer from severe brain inflammation, resulting in destroyed neurons and progressively worse symptoms.

Cannabinoids are potent anti-inflammatories, especially THC and CBD. Medical marijuana can calm your immune system, helping you put a stop to the inflammatory assault on your nervous system.


The benefits of using medical weed won’t appear the next day; your body needs to process the chemicals.

All in all, maybe it will take a couple of weeks; eventually, medical marijuana will help you take the edge off.

Be sure to pitch the idea with your doctor, you might be surprised to learn that not everyone is afraid of trying a great natural alternative such as cannabis! Choose right Multiple Sclerosis cannabis!

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3 Responses to " Can Medical Marijuana Treat Multiple Sclerosis? "

  1. Margaret Larino says:

    I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at age 50. I was still mobile but use a cane. I had balance issues and some falling. I only took baclofen as the injectable medicine did not seem to help. I was about to try other oral medicines.There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. My multiple sclerosis got significantly worse and unbearable because of my cognitive thinking.. Last year, i started on a natural multiple sclerosis Herbal therapy, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. I had great relief with this herbal treatment. I am doing very much better now, no case of Cognitive thinking or memory Loss,, my multiple sclerosis condition is totally reversed.

    • aamitg says:

      That’s really horrible desiase, but we are really to hear that herbal treatment helped you! Hope you will get well, and this injury won’t disturb you anymore.

  2. Carol Drali says:

    ÇI was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 1 month after I turned 50. My Grand-mum was 96 and had it since she was in her 20s. I was on Copaxone, the first year was daily and later I was on 40 mg, 3 times a week. It made a tremendous difference for me. Although the fatigue was what really gets to me. When I do too much, I do start to feel weak.There has been little if any progress in finding a cure or reliable treatment. My multiple sclerosis got significantly worse and unbearable because of my cognitive thinking.. Last year, i started on a natural multiple sclerosis Herbal therapy from Green House Herbal Clinic, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. I had great relief with this herbal treatment. I am doing very much better now, no case of Cognitive thinking or memory Loss,, my multiple sclerosis condition is totally reversed.

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