The Washington Cannabis Business Executive Convention

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For some people, growing cannabis is not only something they do in their free time; it’s something they do as a way of living. It is an activity that brings food to the table. In these circumstances, an event is the best way to gain more knowledge and expand your network so that you become more successful.

No matter if you are into medical marijuana or the recreational type, the Cannabis Business Executive created a convention where you can improve yourself – or show off your growing skills. How to Start Your Own Medical Marijuana Business you can read here.

About the Cannabis Business Executive

The Cannabis Business Executive was founded in 2014, as a business company catering to the marijuana industry. Its mission is to provide information to marijuana dealers and users so that they remain both safe and within the cannabis law. The purpose of this all is not to empower the competition – but to help the cannabis industry grow until it eventually becomes legal in all states.

Their headquarters is currently situated in Washington, D.C, and they gather regularly to send information via blog posts, newsletters, press conferences, and so on. The focus is mostly on the use of medical marijuana – namely, the CBD part of it – but it also tackles other areas. Knowledge is power and safety, which is why they also had their first official convention in 2017 – after several years of projects and research.

The Gathering of Experts

There’s a saying: “two minds work better than one.” No matter how much we might want this, we can’t all have the same ideas. This is why conventions are always such a great plan. They represent an opportunity to gather people with different ideas in the same room.

Two average ideas can form a genius one – which is why the Cannabis Business Executive Convention in Washington was such a big success. Many high-class executives jumped on the train and gathered to share ideas, experiments and – why not – share a few of their own creations.

There is a dramatic increase in the efforts of people trying to legalize medical marijuana. So, these conventions have generally one purpose: analyzing the weed effects and finding ways to make marijuana safe for users so that law enforcement will finally legalize it.

Previously, this event discussed the best practices and leading-edge strategies, becoming a premier authority in the weed industry. The focus is always on the latest technologies, with the attempt of bringing new information to every gathering.

A Halt in Information

Even though the convention in 2018 was supposed to take place on the 10-12th of January, this edition was canceled. The company is still striving, and the speakers in the lineup were definitely knowledgeable; however, they explained that they did not have the metrics needed to move forward.

As a result, they preferred to cancel rather than to deliver information with no value to the convention. Hopefully, the conference will be rescheduled for later in the year, after the participants will “regroup.”

The Cannabis Business Executive Convention in Washington still holds a lot of value, and it’s a fountain of knowledge for people wanting to start a business in this area. All we can hope is that 2019 will bring us the convention as scheduled.

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