What Are the Two Main Chemicals in Weed?

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As the science of medical marijuana continues to develop, researchers are discovering different kinds of compounds present in this herb. Just recently, there has been a rise in the number of cannabis strains that exist. Each of this species has a unique set of chemicals.

So far, scientists have identified over 480 different chemical compounds in weed. Of these, there are two common chemicals, which will never lack in any cannabis strain, namely tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). These elements are described in-depth in this article.

What Is THC?

THC is the key psychoactive element found in weed, and it operates by binding to two types of brain receptors, that is, CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are found in the central nervous system where they help to release neurotransmitters.

Conversely, CB2 receptors reside in the immune system where they help to regulate body functions. While CB1 receptors deal with pleasure, memory, and appetite, CB2 receptors control pain sensations.

What Is CBD?

Cannabidiol or CBD is not related to the working of the CB1 or CB2 receptors in any way. Instead, it interacts with other types of receptors, namely serotonin, and adenosine. These are responsible for regulating your body temperature, pain sensations and preventing inflammation. Look at different CBD Products!

CBD is Non-psychoactive

Given the different mechanisms through which CBD and THC react with receptors, it means that THC gives the ‘high’ sensation while CBD does not. Ironically, CBD tries to offset the impact of THC, giving it a counter-psychoactive effect. It explains why most medical treatments combine the two ingredients.

But, in spite of its counter-psychoactive nature, large doses of CBD are responsible for activating the 5-H1TA serotonin receptor that makes an excellent anti-depressant.

THC and CBD in Relation to Appetite

Individuals who advocate for the legalization of marijuana do so because they believe in its medical benefits. Two areas where medical weed excels are in the treatment of insomnia and in managing one’s appetite.

When THC binds to the brain receptors, it stimulates the release of a hunger hormone called ghrelin.

In contrast, CBD has the effect of suppressing your appetite. While most people don’t smoke weed with the aim of losing weight, this is a benefit worth exploring.

Nausea and Anti-Convulsion

Medical marijuana has proven useful in treating conditions such as epilepsy. Although more research is yet to be conducted in this field, experts suggest that CBD is the one responsible for minimizing muscle spasm.

It also helps in reducing the severity of seizures and it can even prevent seizures altogether. CBD functions in the same area of the body that controls nausea sensation.

Ultimately, CBD and THC impact the human body differently. THC chemical has a tendency of binding to the cannabinoid receptors in the central nervous system and the immune system. After binding, this chemical provides weed users with a relaxation effect and increased appetite. CBD, the other main chemical in cannabis, is non-psychoactive. Its main properties include anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, anti-nausea and sedative characteristics. Look on the comprehensive library of seeds that are considered medically beneficial!

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